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May 12, · The RD WebAccess role in Windows Server can be deployed using one of the new Scenario Based Deployments (Quick or Standard deployment) or can be deploying using the traditional Role Based Deployment. After doing either of these deployments Remote Apps can be published using the Server Manager Console. Get free extended security updates for Windows Server and SQL Server , , R2, and R2. You can use the benefit with Windows Server Datacenter and Standard edition licenses covered with Software Assurance or Windows Server Subscriptions. Depending on the edition, you can convert or reuse your licenses to run Windows Server. Jul 14, · Customers trust Windows Server and SQL Server for their business-critical workloads. With SQL Server , customers like Itaú Unibanco are taking advantage of the built-in intelligence, industry-leading performance, and security across both structured and unstructured data. Similarly, customers like CadDo are combining SQL Server with . Windows Server Edition: Ideal for: Licensing model: CAL requirements [1] Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) [4] Datacenter [2] Highly virtualized datacenters and cloud environments. Core-based. Windows Server CAL. $6, Standard [2] Physical or minimally virtualized environments. Core-based. Windows Server CAL. $ Essentials.
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